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Local Ministry Sets Goal To Give The Community 1,000 Gifts Each Month

Undershepherds Undershepherds is a ministry of servant leaders serving others. The group does this so individuals may be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work.

“In 2007, both my husband, W.F. Floyd, and I were ordained as pastors after serving in ministry for more than 30 years,” said Pauletta Floyd of Undershepherds Undershepherds. “We have been called as a team, working together in every area of ministry.”

Undershepherds Undershepherds collaborates with leaders to distribute an average of 500 deposits of love through giving every month to targeted communities. The goal is to distribute 1,000 gifts each month by the end of the year.

“After two years, God began opening doors to what He had proposed and planned for us,” Pauletta said. “We began working with pastors of small ministries that were burdened and burned out for lack of resources, manpower and knowledge in various areas of ministry. Sometimes we were assisting two or three ministries simultaneously.”

As more ministries began calling on the couple for help, they would inquire the name of their ministry, but the couple didn’t have a name for their ministry.

“We began seeking God on what the name would be and one day, out of nowhere, it came to us: Undershepherds Undershepherds,” Pauletta said. “Why? Because both my husband and I are pastors, undershepherds, who serve pastors, undershepherds. We are called to be servant leaders serving others.”

Undershepherds Undershepherds provides help to individuals and families in our community.

“Most are in need of assistance between paychecks for daily life essentials,” Pauletta said. “One family was in need of furniture; God came through, because our ministry was able to furnish their entire home. During this past Christmas, we provided toys and gifts to families as well as schools. Throughout the year, our ministry has supported other ministries by purchasing items for food baskets, [like] turkeys, and for feeding the homeless.”

The couple has received many cards, letters, phone calls and testimonials from people they have helped in the community.

“Undershepherds Undershepherds does all of this at no cost to anyone; God provides every time,” Pauletta said. “I have many favorite things I love about our ministry, but if I could name just one, it would be seeing the hand of God move on our behalf in what seems to be impossible.”

If you would like to learn more about Undershepherds Undershepherds, visit www.facebook.com/wfpfFloyd or contact the couple at 310-482-1850.

Picture of Undershepherds Undershepherds

Undershepherds Undershepherds

We serve through philanthropy to meet the spiritual and personal needs of communities. We provide tools, resources and support to individuals, families and ministries in need throughout the Tampa Bay Area. We are committed to the effort of restoring people through acts of love.

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Undershepherds Undershepherds has many volunteer opportunities. We have made over 1,200 Deposits of Love in the past several months. With your help we can achieve much more. Contact us today to learn more.

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